ACI 4th European Forum on FDI Reviews and CFIUS
London, UK
June 7-8, 2023
Steven Klemencic joined the panel discussion “The Latest Mitigation Strategies Addressing Emerging FDI Challenges” at ACI’s 4th European Forum on FDI Reviews and CFIUS. The panel also included Julie Soloway (Blakes Cassels & Graydon LLP, Canada) and Dr. Christian von Wistinghausen (ADVANT Beiten, Germany). The panelists discussed:
- Examining how thresholds and requirements might vary depending on the size of the stake acquired, the assets, and target revenues
- Structuring cross-border M&A transactions
- Managing the implications of tight deadlines: advisability of prenotification contacts with relevant authorities
- Which regulations come into play during the transaction and after
- Key insurance considerations affecting transactions
- Special considerations for preparing transaction documents when risk is being transferred from one party to another
BRG was a proud sponsor of the forum.