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Anthony B. Sanders

Senior Advisor

    Anthony B. Sanders is Distinguished Professor of Real Estate Finance in the School of Business at George Mason University.

    He has previously taught at the University of Chicago (Graduate School of Business) and The Ohio State University (Fisher College of Business). He served as director and head of Asset-backed and Mortgage-backed Securities Research at Deutsche Bank in New York City.

    Professor Sanders’ research and teaching focuses on investments, financial institutions, and real estate finance. He has published articles in Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Business, Journal of Financial Services Research, Real Estate Economics, Journal of Housing Economics, and other journals. Professor Sanders has received six teaching awards and three research awards. He serves as associate editor for several leading journals. He has given presentations to the Federal Reserve of Cleveland, Bank of England, European Central Bank in Frankfurt, and Bank of Japan, as well as academic and executive education presentations in Australia, Chile, Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan, China, Poland, Mexico, South Africa, and the United States.

    Professor Sanders can be contacted by email through Daniel Chai, a managing director at BRG.

    Areas of Expertise


    The University of Georgia

    University of Chicago