
Publication | BRG

Employers Facing the COVID-19 Challenge: Furloughs and Layoffs

Janet Thornton, Carrie Amidon, and Jill Fitzpatrick

April 8, 2020

The economic crisis resulting from the COVID-19 virus and the cascading effects on small and large businesses will result in employers terminating workers across industries and occupations through company reorganizations, furloughs, and layoffs due to lack of work. This article describes data and analysis issues typically encountered when analyzing company reorganization decisions. By observing a few important guidelines, employers may ameliorate litigation when embarking on a layoff and facing its consequences.

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Carole Amidon-Johansson


Tallahassee, North, Chicago

Jill Fitzpatrick

Associate Director

Tallahassee, North

Janet Thornton

Managing Director

Tallahassee, North