Publication | Law360
10 Lessons from a Deep Dive into IP Damages
Deepa Sundararaman and Cleve Tyler
February 7, 2024
In a new article, Deepa Sundararaman and Cleve B. Tyler summarize the top ten takeaways from their recently published “A Detailed Study of Court Decisions on Admissibility of Intellectual Property Damages Experts.” Using their experience as IP damages experts, they analyzed more than four hundred Daubert orders covering nearly 1,300 decisions over a six-year period (from 2015 through 2020).
Ms. Sundararaman and Dr. Tyler summarize key takeaways including:
- Exclusion rate trends over time and by type of expert
- Top reasons for expert opinion exclusion
- Differences in exclusion rates across districts and for judges with the most decisions
Ms. Sundararaman and Dr. Tyler will discuss their study in greater depth in a webinar on February 29. Email Mara Dygert to register to attend.