PE Live: From Resource Scarcity to Energy Abundance
January 27, 2021
Christopher Goncalves and Matthew Tanner discussed a new article written by members of BRG’s Energy & Climate practice, “LNG Market Under Increasing Pressure,” which investigates the economics of the transition on the road to 2050. The panel discussed:
- A levelized cost comparison of each type of energy production
- How relative costs are likely to develop, including trends in financing costs
- The role of gas and LNG as a transition fuel
- The impact of the pandemic on the speed of the transition
- Government policies that could drive mass rollout of low-carbon production
- Potential pathways to meet the Paris Agreement goal of net-zero emissions by 2050
- Comparison of the approaches of the EU, US, and Asia-Pacific economies and the impact on the trade in energy, including LNG
Learn more about the discussion with Transition Economist, a brand of the PE Media Network.